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Showing posts from August, 2017

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 Title: Red Queen Author: Victoria Aveyard Series: Red Queen #1 Followed By: Glass Sword Published: February 10th, 2015 Pages: 383 pages Genre: Fantasy, Dystopia YA Review:  This book is so good I'm probably going to fangirl about it for months. The story and the telling (of storytelling, ha, get it?) are impeccable. This book draws you in right from the beginning. It’s filled with action that gets you excited and your adrenaline going. Mare is a caring but somewhat badass girl whose life turns upside-down with the discovery of her new power. There are betrayals that leave your eyes wide and jaw dropped. And, best of all, it’s realistic (not counting the superpowers or blood color the characters have). Characters die, they lie, they betray, they lose hope, they learn, they fail. Mare isn’t always lucky and she doesn't always have the power to be successful at everything she does. When books make the main character so powerful that nothing